Reginald  B. Dunlap

89% - HTML5 CSS3 JS


83% - (RWD) JQuery

About Me
Personal/Goals !

Hi, My name is Reginald,But you can just call me Reggie.

I love sports and playing video games with my friends.

After this course/program I would love to be a Web Developer For a Major Company Such as Apple.

This Course Has provided me with proper teachings and a skill set necessary to be a Respnsive Web Developer.

Prospective Employment

"It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout."- Some Developer


I've Listend to A lot of Music and No One Can Do it Quite Like Apple's Itunes.They Have Great Quality And Easy To access Media.They Have the Sleekist OS and Computers.It Would Be Cool To Work There.

Websites For Video Games

Video Game Companies Need People to Develop Their Websites Too. It Would Be a Dream Come True To Design and Develop Websites For Games.


Since I love Video Games It Would Be Better to Start At The Top with SONY. SONY Are The Makers of Many General Electronics Such as Headphones and Speakers,But They are Most Known For Their Gaming console The Playstation 4 or (PS4).It Would Be Really Cool To Work There.


Major Sports Outlets Need their websites updated and mantained for all the new sports news,highlights,and trends.

Tweaked By Reginald B. Dunlap.